Discover current job opportunities within the Downer Group, and speak to their managers at their WA Career Day!
- Glen Donaldson (Operations Manager)
- Andrew Carolan (Operations Manager)
- Michael Burych (State Manager)
- Andrew Kingston (Delivery Manager)
- Paul Kazmierowski (Regional Manager)
Hiring for:
- Electricians
- Boilermaker Welder
- Mechanical Fitter
- Painter Blaster
- Plumbers & Gasfitters
- Rope Access
- Supervisor
- Superintendent
- Planner / Scheduler
- Estimators
- HSE Advisors
- Engineers
- Project Managers
- Service Delivery Manage
- Flashbutt
- AT Welder
- Weld Offsider
- Track Workers
- Concreter/Pavers
- Loader Operators
- Skid Steer Operator
- Hi-Rail Excavator Operator
- Gas Distribution Operators
- Horizontal Directional Driller
- Fibre Technician
- Intro Technician
Upload your resume to register for the event: