Socially Savvy; A common sense approach to raising kids in the digital age

Start: Wednesday, Jul 24, 2019 @ 19:00
End:  Wednesday, Jul 24, 2019 @ 21:30

River View Room 4
Tickets can be purchased via the Ticketek website.

Join us for a special Embrace @ Telethon Kids Event Socially Savvy; A common sense approach to raising kids in the digital age hosted by Maggie Dent In conversation with Professor Donna Cross, children’s digital technology researcher, Telethon Kids Institute and Psychologist Chris Harris from Youth Focus.

Our kids are constantly connecting – through social media, gaming, and online. So how do we raise kids who are digitally savvy, yet safe?

Maggie Dent, the Queen of Common Sense, will lead a conversation with our experts about how to safeguard our kids and their mental health while giving them the digital skills they’ll need to equip them for life.

Beyond blocking and banning: practical tips that can be used by every parent.

With a special introduction from Nova 93.7’s Nat Locke.




Socially Savvy; A common sense approach to raising kids in the digital age
River View Room 4
Booking Info:
Tickets can be purchased via the Ticketek website.
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