Life on Mars

Start: Thursday, Aug 15, 2019 @ 20:00
End:  Thursday, Aug 15, 2019 @ 21:30

Riverview Rooms 4 & 5
Tickets can be purchased on the Ticketek website.

Is there life on Mars? We’ve been asking the question for centuries, but could clues in Western Australia’s Pilbara soon give us answers? Join a panel of NASA scientists and astrophysicists as they discuss all things Mars.

How will people live on the red planet? Is there already simple life there? Will Mars be a base for humanity one day stepping out into the galaxy? Do we have galactic neighbours?
Graham Phillips (ABC’s Catalyst) will lead this panel of leading Australian and International scientists to give you the answers. Panellists include: NASA Mars 2020 rover mission program scientist Dr. Mitch Schulte; Physicist Professor Paul Davies from Arizona State University; Astrobiologist from University of NSW, Professor Martin Van Kranendonk; BHP’s Dr Vanessa Lickfold and Curtin University’s Renae Sayers.


Life on Mars
Riverview Rooms 4 & 5
Booking Info:
Tickets can be purchased on the Ticketek website.
Additional Info:
$84.65|From $69.35|From $59.15

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