Start: Wednesday, Nov 06, 2019 @ 19:00
End:  Wednesday, Nov 06, 2019 @ 22:00

Jakarta Simfonia Orchestra (JSO) and Jakarta Oratorio Society (JOS) founded in 2009 and 1986 by Stephen Tong, started as to revive classical music which once dominated SE Asia. With over 15 performances annually, JSO is considered as the prominent symphony orchestra in Indonesia, while JOS with its over 30 years of experience is considered to be one of the leading choruses in Indonesia specialising in oratorio works. Since 2017, both JSO and JOS have been touring and performed in 17 cities, attracting over 45,000 audiences. Within 2 weeks, its 2018 performance in Esplanade (Singapore) was fully sold out and had one of the best-recorded attendances at Wei Wu Ying (Kaohsiung) and National Concert Hall (Taipei).

JSO and JOS, the artists-in-residence of Aula Simfonia Jakarta will visit Auckland, Sydney, Melbourne and Perth to perform beautiful melodies from orchestral works as well as the greatest oratorio choral pieces, such as Beethoven 9th Symphony (Finale). May this become a new influence on the neighbouring country of Indonesia.

Rossini – William Tell Overture
Mozart – The Marriage of Figaro
Sibelius – Finlandia
Beethoven – Symphony No. 9 (Finale)


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