Best known for his wickedly sassy travel books, Bill Bryson undertook the gigantean task of providing a layman’s take on science in the best-selling ‘A Short History of Nearly Everything’. For the past three years, Bill Bryson has been taking a good long look at the human body. The result; his latest soon-to-be-released tome ‘The Body; A Guide for Occupants’.
With his matchless homing instinct for the funniest and quirkiest, his unerring eye for the idiotic, the endearing, the ridiculous and the scandalous, Bill Bryson will exercise his razor-sharp wit in sharing his globe-trotting travel experiences, his forays into science and his latest endeavour – the human body; live on stage. Joining Bill Bryson on stage in the role of host will be French-born Australian television presenter, radio host, actress, singer, writer and comedian Julia Zemiro. Zemiro is best known as the host of the musical quiz RocKwiz, co-host of the ABC’s Star Gazing Live with Prof Brian Cox and for her own show for the ABC; Julia Zemiro’s Home Delivery.